Design of welded structures

Omer W. Blodgett, James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation

1991 г.
    0 оценок


размещено: 15 Сентября 2021
Design of welded structuresDuring that year, 1936, The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation was created by The Lincoln Electric Company to help advance the progress in welded design and construction. Through its award programs and educational activities, the Foundation provided an exchange of experience and gave impetus to the growing application of welding. Thus, within the last decade and particularly the past few years, unitized welded design has become widely accepted for high-rise buildings and bridges of nobler proportions in addition to the broad base of more modest structures.
Now, the Foundation publishes this manual for further guidance and challenge to architects, structural engineers, fabricators and contractors who will build the structures of tomorrow ... and to the educators who will prepare young people for these professions. This material represents an interpretation of the best in accumulated experience of all who have participated in prior Foundation activities. The author has coordinated this with a continuing study of current welding research conducted both in the United States and Europe, and against a background of participation on various code-writing committees.
Much of the direct instructional information that resulted has been pretested in over 70 structural seminars attended by over 4000 engineers.

60.13 МБ


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dambra , 15 сентября 2021 в 20:52
Книга посвящена аспектам проектирования стальных конструкций в США
ZVV , 17 сентября 2021 в 21:38